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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I watched the Three Stooges the other day with my grandkids. I bought the DVD especially for that purpose. I hated the Three Stooges when I was a kid. They'd sometimes play at the Saturday afternoon matinees I attended weekly with every other kid on the military base I grew up on. Our .25 cents weekly allowance paid the .15 cents admission with .10 cents left over for a treat. I never enjoyed them even then, but I always felt like I was missing out on something because the whole theatre roared with laughter at their antics. I sat there embarrassed by Curly's stupidity, and infuriated at Mo's bulliness and unrighteous dominion, and feeling like Larry ought to get a hair cut and get away from those two morons while he still had a chance.

Over the years I'd come across people who remembered them fondly (my brother in law LOVED them), and I would feel like perhaps I didn't give them a chance. Perhaps I didn't understand the humour, or what they represented. I thought I might one day try them again, like I did Dr. Seuss as an adult - which worked.

So I bought the Three Stooges and I saved it to watch with my grandchildren on some special occassion like a sleepover. They came. And we watched it, and yep, I was right. They are as stupid as ever - actually they're even 'stupider'. And I really hadn't missed anything when I was a little kid, when I decided that I was not a fan of slapstick humour. I discovered that's what you called it. I had always called it "Three Stooges Humour". Three Stooges humour always made me angry. I couldn't get past the "Do you have to be so utterly STUPID?" opinion, and the "How can ANYONE laugh at absolute stupidity?" feeling.

I've often been accused of being a little too serious. For instance, my kids had to tell me that "Napolean Dynamite" was funny. I couldn't tell. (it was so d.a.r.n. dumb) But when I tried it again - and tried to be more open minded, and IF I watched it with them, I could laugh at some parts. (mostly I think I just enjoy they're laughter). I learned to laugh at "Office" because my adult kids convinced me it was funny. It took me several episodes, and Michael still makes me want to slap him upside the head, but I think its pretty funny now. Thank goodness I have kids ..... Because of them, I've expanded my horizons and see many things in a new light. I even like Dora and Diego. I can even sit through the "Pink Panther" if I have someone beside me who appreciates it.

But the Three Stooges? Nope. They're still stupid. And I'm still not laughing.

1 comment:

  1. Ha Ha! I am totally there with you! I have NEVER and will NEVER laugh at the 3 Stooges. I don't get the humor-I don't want to get the humor! Strangely, my grandmother thought Napoleon Dynamite was hilarious-my grandmother did!!!! I could not watch more after 30 mins. I feel it was the only 30 mins of my life I ever wasted. LoL However, I am ever in love with Looney Toons which I grew up on. Now my three babies enjoy Looney Toons as much as I did-and still do! I am glad you have a way to enjoy some of the stranger things in life. :) I am trying not to be so "old-fashioned"! Take care! :D

    BTW. I am a new follower! I am trying to look up your store online but it keeps taking me to a search engine.
